How to curve a flat cap

April 10 2024 – Alejandro Bravo


Discover the secret to curling your cap without risks

Written by: Alejandro Bravo Martínez.

Without a doubt, caps have always been a trend, being the perfect accessory to elevate your style. This is why at some point in your life you are going to ask yourself what is the correct way to curve your cap, without risks, without worries, and so that it can really have the curve we want on the visor, whether with a soft arc and subtle or a more pronounced curve.

There are actually many homemade methods that have been exposed to curve the cap, for example: with your hands, with a ball or with a glass, however, these methods have the great risk of breaking the cap at the top of the visor. and there is no turning back.

Normally the flat cap is curved for comfort, because this way it will fit your head much better. However, although the main objective is for the cap to fit perfectly, curving it also gives a unique touch to your look and at the same time, makes the style of your cap more versatile for any occasion.

Photo taken from Pinterest.
One of the most used methods to curve the cap is: grab both ends of the visor with your hands and little by little bring your hands together towards the center, folding the visor of your cap. So that your cap does not lose its curve, take a baseball and some rubber bands, tie the rubber bands with the ball under the visor to form the curve and leave it for a while so that your cap can maintain its modification.
If you don't have these objects, or you fear that your cap will be damaged forever due to poor treatment or bad technique by doing this homemade trick, we can help you with that.
To solve this problem for many cap lovers, we have designed a product specialized in this need, we present the curve-caps.

Its ergonomic design and polypropylene material are the perfect combination that ensure that your cap maintains its original shape while acquiring the desired curvature. Also, this resistant material is known for its resistance, this guarantees a product that you can use as many times as you want, with all your caps, without wear or damage. You can achieve that long-awaited classic but elegant look in minutes, without risks, forgetting about those homemade methods that put your cap in danger.

The Curva-Caps are compatible with most of the styles and sizes that you will find on the market (if you want to see examples of the famous New Era caps with which you can give your cap the dream look, click on this link New Era Caps –Libur ).

Its instructions are too simple, to use it, you just have to put the product on both sides of the visor of your cap, wait 10 minutes and that's it, you will have your curved cap. Time will determine the curve, that is, if you want to turn a flat cap into a very curved cap, you will have to leave the curve-cap on a little longer, but if you want a less pronounced, softer and more subtle arch, just 5 -10 minutes you will achieve your semi-curved cap.

Its size is ideal, if you are a fan of caps and want to wear the style everywhere you can. Its flexibility is also a plus, the cap-curler can apply just the right amount of pressure to curve the visor without compromising the cap to any damage that we do not want.

Curve your flat caps easily, effectively and without any worry, this tool will give the final touch to your style, click on this link to order your curved caps today: (link). We have a 30-day guarantee to provide you with total security and confidence at the time of your purchase. If you feel that the product is not what you expected, we will refund 100% of your money. We also have free shipping to ALL of Colombia and cash on delivery. . Don't wait any longer to elevate the style of your caps.

Buy the cap curler, easy and simple, at the following link: CAP CURVER – Libur